About Me
I am an undergraduate majoring in Theoretical Physics from the School of Physics and Technology at Wuhan University, China.
Currently, I am an intern at International Centre for Theoretical Physics Asia-Pacific, Beijing.
Educational Background
BSc: School of Physics and Technology, Wuhan University, China.
Intern: ICTP-AP, UCAS.
Research Interests
Conformal Field Theory: My interests in conformal field theory range from the mathematical side (e.g. mirror symmetry, moonshine phenomena) to applications in physics (AdS/CFT correspondence, celestial holography, conformal bootstrap, etc.)
Quantum Gravity: I am interested in the theories that unify gravity and quantum fields, such as string theory and a more recent theory where gravity emerges from quantum fields. I am particularly interested in probing this problem with black hole.
Quantum Information: By introducing the idea of quantum entanglement in the holographic context, we may discover the fine structure of black holes, further probe the information paradox and thus give hints for quantum gravity.
My previous research experiences in those fields can be found on the Research page.